This website was originally inspired by a post by dancingbarefoot and incorporated into a website started by steelbreeze. We wanted to provide a central resource for machine-knitting patterns and techniques. If it's domestic flat bed or CSM-related and linkable online, it'll probably be here. After all, why should hand-knitters and crocheters get all the fun?!

New to machine knitting? Gained a knitting machine but no idea what you've got? Check out the training, manuals, machine information and maintenance pages.

To submit anything or report broken links, please e-mail: stitches (at) needlesofsteel (dot) org (dot) uk. I am happy to host your personal patterns and articles as HTML or as PDFs in perpetuity, free of charge, if you would like to share your expertise but do not have a website or blog. Please get in touch if so! You can also contact me on Ravelry (steelbreeze)

Please note: some patterns are now only accessible via the Internet Archive; pictures or links may no longer work. These links are provided as-is. Please consider donating if you find their services useful, as they are a valuable resource in these troubled times.

Please check back frequently, as this is a work-in-progress!

Please note, if you have shared something publicly online then it is considered fair game and may turn up (as a link, not the content) on this site. If this is an issue and you wish for the link to be removed: (a) please secure your stuff online and (b) get in touch with me on email - more than happy to delete links if I am made aware of them.
photos in Machine knitting More photos in Machine knitting